In recent years, several gas leak-related explosions and fires in Charlotte have left people on edge, such as the Bannantyne fire and the basement explosion at Providence Country Club. Both incidents were caused by gas leaks. Therefore, we need to be highly vigilant when it comes to gas leaks and cannot afford to take them lightly.
Today, we’d like to share a case about gas leak detection.
Client’s concerns: The client smelled a sulfur-like odor near the crawlspace and suspected a gas leak.
Step 1: Observe the gas line layout and direction in the client’s house: We assessed the gas line layout and determined the gas leak detection plan.
Step 2: Gas line in crawlspace: The gas line was over 100 feet long in the crawlspace and was made from CSST connected to black iron pipes. We used a Ridgid Micro CD-100 gas leak detector set to high sensitivity. The detector was moved along the CSST pipeline, and when it started vibrating and emitting an alarm, we identified the general location of the gas leak.
Step 3: Using liquid leak detection: We applied the liquid leak detector to the gas pipe to pinpoint the exact location of the gas leak.
Another case: When a gas leak occurs, the gas company will immediately shut off the gas supply at the gas meter and lock it with specialized tools.
In this situation, both sniffing for gas using a gas leak detector and using liquid leak detection are ineffective.
The gas company clearly informed us that the gas leak is underground. After analyzing the client’s gas pipeline system, we determined that the best method would be to pump air into the line and then use sonar equipment to detect the location of the underground gas leak.
Step 1: Disconnect gas line at union, pump air into gas line.
Step 2: Disconnecting the gas line at the union and pumping air into the gas line: After disconnecting the gas line, we pumped air into the line. Due to the large gaps in the underground pipes, the sound was very loud, and we could detect the gas leak location without using sonar equipment.
Step 3: Precise identification of the leak location: Once the leak was identified, we marked the exact spot. The next step would be to wait for the client to remove the fence, then excavate the ground for repairs. In the meantime, due to the cold front passing through, the client was left without hot water and heating, and the house was uninhabitable. They had to temporarily stay in a hotel for a few days.
We will share more about how to repair the gas leak issue next time. Happi Plumbing is always happi to help.
各位朋友周末好,今天抽空给大家分享分享一下 煤气泄露检测的案例。
这几年,夏洛特几个因为煤气泄露导致爆炸和火灾的案例让大家心有余悸,Bannantyne 的火灾,还有前不久provindence country club 的地下室爆炸,都是煤气泄露导致的,所以,对于煤气泄露 ,要有相当的警惕性,不能掉以轻心。
客户问题:在crawlspace 附近闻到有臭鸡蛋气味,怀疑是煤气泄露。
还有一个案例。当发生煤气泄露 时,煤气公司会第一时间在煤气表那里把煤气 总阀切断,并用专业工具锁死,这时靠闻味道来探测的gas leak detector 和leak detect liquid 都不好用了。