Welcome back to Happi Plumbing Channel. Today, we will share another case about unclogging main sewer line from basement cleanout.
The customer was bothered by basement toilet backed up and flooded the floor.
Step 1: Stopped using water to minimize sewage damage.
Step 2: Recommend a water restoration partner to assist with disaster recovery and help reduce the customer’s loss through their insurance company.
Step 3: Inquired and confirmed that the sewage pipe was connected to the city sewer, not a septic tank
Step 4: Inspected both indoor and outdoor cleanouts. If there was no outdoor cleanout, removed the manhole and inspected the pipe’s direction and distance to make a preliminary assessment of the blockage situation.
Step 5: Used a large drain machine to clear the blockage from the basement cleanout.
Step 6: Continue clearing, and at 140 feet, the blockage was cleared. After pulling the cables back, we found numerous wipes stuck in the pipe.
Step 7: Run a sewer camera to inspect the pipe condition.
Step 8: Found a belly (a low spot in the pipe) between 28ft and 33ft.
Step 9: At 70 feet, the PVC pipe connects to corroded cast iron sewer pipe, which seems to be the property’s connection point to the city sewer. There should be a street cleanout at this location.
Step 10: Used a locator to determine the position of the street cleanout.
Step 11: Marked the new cleanout location. A street cleanout will be dug and installed. So In the future, if there’s a blockage at the city end, the cleanout will allow sewage to flow out, preventing backup in the house. Call the city, and they will come free of charge to clear the blockage.
Step 12: Apply for a permit to install the street cleanout, and inspection will follow upon completion.
Step 13: The sewer blockage is cleared, and sewage no longer backs up and floods the house. The problem was identified, and the solution is in place. The customer is very, very happy! We are always so happi to help.
TIPS: If there’s a backup in your house, the first step is to open the street cleanout and let the sewage flow out. This will prevent flooding in the house. If there’s water in the street cleanout, the blockage is the city’s responsibility. Call the city, and they will come to clear it for free. Don’t waste money on a plumber to clear it.
客户问题:basement toilet backup and flood the floor
TIPS: 家里返水,第一时间是打开street cleanout 查看,让污水从cleanout 流出,就不会淹掉房子。street cleanout有水,堵塞的责任就在city,给city 打电话,他们会马上上门免费疏通。自己不要花冤枉钱请plumber疏通。