Welcome back to Happi Plumbing Channel. We are going to review a case about fixing sewer gas leak trouble for 15 years.
The customer is running a restaurant and complains about the persistent sewer smell that has been ongoing for the last 15 years. The next-door SPA shop is also impacted by the smell. They have hired 5 plumbing companies to get it fixed and none of them solved the issues successfully.
We did the following steps to solve the issues.
Step 1: Found the cleanout entry and prepared to conduct a smoke test, but discovered there was significant back pressure in the sewer, preventing the smoke test from being done through the cleanout.
Step 2: Inspected all floor drains and cleanouts, found several problematic areas, installed trap seals and plugs to try to address the sewer gas odor issue. However, we quickly received a call again about a strong sewer smell, indicating the issue was not fully resolved.
Step 3: We conducted the smoke test via the roof vent and found a large amount of smoke coming from the bathroom.
Step 4: Opened the bathroom ceiling and tested again, finding smoke coming out of the cast iron vent and from inside the walls.
Step 5: Noticed cast iron corrosion and concluded that the cast iron pipes were corroded, allowing sewer gas to leak from the damaged section. The client agreed to our plan to replace all the cast iron vents inside the walls.
Step 6: Created a protective pathway at the worksite to ensure the working site remained clean and orderly.
Step 7: Rented a professional lift from Sunbelt to reach a working height of 20 feet.
Step 8: Cut open the wall to access the pipe entry point.
Step 9: Installed safety protection measures in preparation for the elevated work.
Step 10: Cut open the wall, and upon inspection, found that the cast iron pipes were corroded and cracked. Our initial diagnosis was completely correct.
Step 11: Removed all the cast iron pipes, which had deteriorated significantly. This was the root cause of the odor problem that had been ongoing for 15 years.
Step 12: Reinstalled PVC piping using fittings and installation methods that fully comply with plumbing code regulations.
Step 13: Installed strap supports as required by plumbing code.
Step 14: Conducted another smoke test—no more sewer gas leaks.
Finally, after the client inspection, no more odor, and the 15-year-long issue was finally resolved. The client was very, very happy! We are so happi to help.
今天给大家分享一个案例,fix sewer gas leaks trouble 15 years
客户问题:一家餐馆反映在过去15年他们一直深受下水道臭味的困扰,隔壁的 SPA 也在这臭味严重影响了自己的经营。他们前后找了5家水管 公司,都不能帮他们解决问题。
客户验收,不再有任何异味,困扰15年的问题终于得到了彻底解决,客户very very HAPPI !