Pipe leaks can occur not only inside the house but also underground. Thanks for the sharing from our technician Ben. Let’s see a case about how to fix a water pipe leak under the foundation.
Customer’s concerns: High water bills, with a large amount of water flowing out around the house.”
Step 1: Shut off the indoor main water valve and observed that the water meter continued to move rapidly, indicating that the leak is located between the water meter and the main shutoff valve.
Step 2: Injected high-pressure air into the system via the backflow preventer for underground leak detection.
Step 3: Using a sonar device, the leak was detected under the foundation, close to the main sewer line cleanout.
Step 4: Double Check: In the basement, we found that the main water line and main sewer line both pass through a single foundation hole into the house, but there was no sleeve for protection. At the same time, we could hear water shooting sound in the basement.
Step 5: Measured the pipe depth through the cleanout, confirming it was about 3 feet underground.
Step 6: We marked all underground pipes using the 811 service and found that under the front yard lawn was filled with various pipelines.
Step 7: Excavator work was performed to dig up the ground.
Step 8: Drilled a hole in the foundation with a hammer drill and installed a 1-inch PVC sleeve to protect the new water pipe.
Step 9: Cement work was done to seal the hole, completing the replacement of the underground pipe under the foundation.
Step 10: During the process, we discovered another leak near the foundation. The old black poly water pipe had deteriorated. We recommended the customer replace the entire underground water line in the front yard.
Step 11: The customer approved the whole repiping solution and wanted to preserve her beloved large lawn. Considering the customer’s requirement and the complex underground utility markings from 811, we decided to use a trenchless puller to replace the whole water pipe in the front yard.
Step 12: We connected the trenchless puller at both ends, and using the excavator, we pulled and replaced 100 feet of underground pipeline.
Step 13: Installed a pressure-reducing valve (PRV) and a main shutoff valve next to the water meter.
Step 14: After backfilling, we successfully protected the customer’s beautiful lawn, tested the system, and confirmed there were no more leaks.
The customer was very happy with our service. We are so happi to help our customers get rid of all water leaking concerns.