In this case, the customer is an 81-year-old lady who uses well water, and now the water cannot come out at home.
First, we diagnosed the problem. Checked the customer’s water system, found that the well pump and expansion tank operated normally, but the filter filter had a lot of impurities. It is judged that the filter element has not been replaced for a long time, resulting in the filter element is blocked by impurities, so the whole house has no water.
Then we give two solutions for the customer to choose. Option 1, to replace the filter’s cartridge; Option 2, to redesign the well water filtration system and replace the cartridge filter with a self-flushing filter without cartridge. Considering that the customer is old and it is very inconvenient to replace the cartridge in crawlspace, we suggested the customer to choose the second option and provided a solution to clean the filter without entering crawlspace.
The customer accepted the option 2. We replaced the cartridge filter with spin down water sediment filter. The sand and other impurities are filtered through the fine filter screen, and when the valve at the bottom of the filter is turned on, the water pressure will rinse all these filtered impurities and discharge them through the drain pipe.
We Installed the frost proof hose bib as the solution to clean the filter without entering crawlspace. Considering that the customer is old and it is very inconvenient to enter and exit crawlspace, we installed the hose bib near the entrance of crawlspace and kept the valve at the bottom of the filter always on. Whenever turning on the hose bib for watering plant or other uses, the well water filter is flushed at the same time.
The customer does not need to enter crawlspace at all, nor does she need to replace the cartridge regularly, which is very convenient. The customer is very satisfied and very HAPPI.
3.用spin down water sediment filter替换原来的cartridge filter spin down water sediment filter通过细密的滤网把沙子等杂质过滤下来,当把过滤器底部阀门打开的时候,水压会把这些过滤下来的杂质全部冲洗干净,通过排水管排出屋外。
4.安装防冻水龙头。考虑到客户年纪大,进出crawlspace很不方便,我们设计了在crawlspace入口附近安装防冻水龙头,并保持过滤器底部阀门常开。每次打开这个室外水龙头,无论是浇花还是用水,都同时冲洗了井水过滤器,客户完全不需要进入crawlspace,也不需要定期去更换阀芯,非常方便。客户非常满意,very HAPPI。